Wonder if that UVM Missed Connection was about you? The infamous account has made a huge impact and presence on UVM’s community since their first post and turns out they may be on to something.
One of the original founders of UVM Missed Connections comments, “We had really hoped to use the account to bring about a sense of closeness and normalcy during those rough and pretty lonely times!”
UVM Missed Connections allows followers to submit a blurb about someone they may want to connect with, but have no idea who they are. The hope is that the account will post their entry and followers will tag the person in question. UVM Missed Connections act as a bridge to connect strangers, and by doing so, they have subsequently boosted overall happiness on campus.
John Cacioppo, who studied the effects of loneliness on the human body and brain, discussed why connection to others is so vital. He found that feeling lonely can cause our cortisol levels to skyrocket, leaving us as stressed as we would be if we were physically attacked (Hari, 2018).
Cacioppo further explains that although we innately crave connection, humans have started to do things alone because we started to believe that this is supposed to be our natural state. “We have begun to think: I will look after myself, and everybody else should look after themselves, as individuals.” This mindset has taken over our culture so much so that we’ve used this mindset to make others feel better by saying things such as “Nobody can help you but you.” In turn, this has led us to feel even worse because as Hari (2018) explains, “An insufficient amount of human interaction can create a feeling of disconnection and social isolation” (182).
Knowing this, we challenge you to reach out to your UVM Missed Connection or a friend crush and introduce yourself! Not only will you combat the effects of loneliness, but you may also start a genuine friendship.
The anonymous founder of UVM Missed Connections says, “We’ve had multiple success stories of people meeting through missed connections and honestly making that connection actually happen in real life is very fulfilling. I love getting DMs and submissions from people saying their missed connection is no longer missed and they were able to blossom a beautiful relationship out of it, whether it’s romantic or platonic, or anything!”
Reach out Catamounts! Even better, go up to that person before making them a missed connection!
Check back this week to read about how to connect with others, specifically what to do with your new connection by reading our next blog, “Top Ten Dates Around VT”
Talia Seidman
The UVM Thrive Guide.
By Students, For Students.
Hari, J. (2018). Lost connections: Why you’re depressed and how to find hope. Bloomsbury