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UVM - A Big School That Feels Small


Freshman year, what a time. An exciting new opportunity to live on your own, to make friends from new places, and to figure out how to function as an “adult” (although do any of us, even adults, really know what that means?). But for all this excitement, it can also be scary. We come into a new environment, unsure of ourselves and of our abilities. We come to college, and all of us are seeking one thing – connection. Even the most outwardly confident are desperate to make friends and connect with their community. Social scientist and author Johann Hari has a whole book dedicated to connection, and in one of his concluding statements he says simply, “you need to have a community”. (Hari, 2019, pg 311). And while this is especially true during this vulnerable period of freshman year, this sense of community is something you will carry with you for your entire college experience. In an article for the Atlantic, Benfield discusses the psychological importance of community, stating that residents in a community are 29% more likely to report a higher level of psychological happiness and well-being than those who don’t feel that they are part of a community.

So welcome to the UVM community! As you no doubt know, you have selected a specific learning community to live in freshman year. And this extends beyond just the dorm you are living in – engage with your community! Go to that pizza night your RA is hosting, say hi to people as you pass them in the halls or brush your teeth next to them in the morning. UVM is very focused on cultivating a sense of community, and opportunities to connect are all around you if you know where to look. Google “UVM Bored” and you’ll find a whole host of events designed to bring you closer to your fellow students. Interested in painting? April 7th at 8pm there will be a pottery painting night open to all, not just art students. Paint a mug with a stranger and maybe you’ll find yourself drinking yerba out of it when they invite you over for tea. Connection is all around you, and we here at the UVM Thrive Guide want to help you find it. Tune in to our podcast to listen to Emma talk to freshmen about how they connect in their new community. Ask us, the upperclassmen, questions – anything you can think of! How do we connect? Where is our favorite spot on campus to get a meal with a friend? DM us at @uvmthriveguide with your questions, and tune back in the week of April 17th to hear them answered. In the meantime, keep checking our blog, podcasts, and Instagram for more words from fellow freshmen. The UVM community is here to support you – reach out!


Benfield, Kaid. “'The Pursuit of Happiness': How Do Communities Make Us Happy?” The Atlantic, 29 June 2011.

Hari, Johann. “Conclusion: Homecoming.” Lost Connections: Why You're Depressed and How to Find Hope, Bloomsbury Publishing, London, 2019.


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