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There's No Place Like Home


Home. A place of safety, comfort, and familiarity. It is a place to unwind, to spend time with family and friends, and to take that quality alone time most of us desperately need to recharge. Leaving home and going to live at school, no matter how far away, can be scary. It feels like a loss of a safe space, and how on earth are you ever supposed to get a second to yourself if someone else lives in your room?! According to a blog published by the University of the People, 66% of college students have reported feeling homesick during their freshman year. And how could they not? It’s scary leaving behind what you know for something completely new.

Yet fear not dear freshmen, colleges know that you struggle with homesickness and have all sorts of events and fun opportunities geared specifically towards the freshman class. And all of these events have one goal in mind – connection. One of the biggest things you can do to combat homesickness is to connect with your new community! The UVM Program Board has planned and hosted many events, all designed with connection in mind. The Week of Welcome, geared specifically towards the new, incoming class, was a great opportunity to bond with other new students. If you missed the club fair, no worries! Just look up the club you might be interested in joining and email their contact. They would be happy to have you, it’s never too late to join! Reaching out can be scary, but everyone at UVM is here to help. We all remember the homesickness we felt freshman year, but we especially remember when we felt it fade – laughing at sports practice with new teammates, your roommate not having to ask if you are getting breakfast – it’s simply the routine.

Tune in to our Spotify to listen to Emma talk to some freshman about homesickness, and share a little of her personal, upperclassman wisdom about how she made UVM feel like home. Still feeling a little lonely? DM us at @uvmthriveguide to ask how we combat homesickness or even if you just want to say hi! We’re always here for advice and – most importantly – connection! Can’t wait to see you on campus!


“Homesickness in College - Freshman Advice.” University of the People, 30 Apr. 2020,


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