The second half of the semester provides plenty of stress for all of us. Work can seem overwhelming and we feel increasing pressure that can create a heavy mind. Nature bathing can help solve all of this.
So what is this magic destresser called nature bathing?
“The idea of nature baths comes from a Japanese concept called shinrin-yoku, which means “forest bathing” or “relaxing in a forest atmosphere.” You don't need to put on your swimsuit or get wet — during a nature bath, you're “bathing” in the energy and clean air of the woods.” (Mercy Health)
All you have to do properly nature bathe, is go to a place in nature that you find comforting and lay down, taking in the scenery around you. We recommend you put your phone on airplane mode, or leave it in your bag and be present in the place you are. There is no set time you have to bathe for, it can be half an hour or two hours. Whatever you decide, it’s going to help you feel better.
“When one ponders humans existing less than 0.01% of the species’ history in modern surroundings and the other 99.99% of the time living in nature, it is no wonder some humans yearn and are drawn back to where human physiological/psychological functions began and were naturally supported. The Biophilia Hypothesis [8] supports SY and NT because it is steeped in the idea humans have an inner biological attraction to nature and its importance in our human development” (Hansen, Margaret, Jones, 2017)
We are wired to desire nature, we have only recently been taken out of that. It is important to give your mind and body something it desires, you may not even know it. Once you take the time to go somewhere and do yourself that favor, you will see the stress start to go away.
So next time you feel overwhelmed, go lay down on some grass and take it in, (and listen to our podcast)
Hansen, Margaret M., Reo Jones, and Kirsten Tocchini. 2017. "Shinrin-Yoku (Forest Bathing) and Nature Therapy: A State-of-the-Art Review" International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 14, no. 8: 851. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph14080851
What is a nature bath and what are their benefits? Mercy Health Blog. (2019, October 7). Retrieved April 3, 2022, from https://blog.mercy.com/nature-baths-benefits/