So you want to nature bathe or go on a hot girl walk but you don’t know where. This blog is going to give you some of the best outdoor spots in Burlington!
Although UVM has a multitude of outdoor options, they can feel far away if you live in downtown Burlington. You may be someone who is just from class or back but getting away from the concrete and into nature.
In our first blog about hot girl walks, we gave a list of just some of the Burlington Parks and Recreation. Here is the link to that page: https://enjoyburlington.com/system-map/. These of course are not the only spots where you can get outside. Our podcaster, Abby, talked about the Centennial Woods. These woods are a place right off campus where you can nature bathe or just step away from the stress of school and make yourself feel better.
The benefits to spending time in nature are irrefutable. Here is a quote from Johann Hari’s best selling book ``Lost Connections'' “They got people who lived in cities to take a walk in nature, and then tested their mood and concentration. Everyone, predictably, felt better and was able to concentrate more---but the effect was dramatically bigger for people who had been depressed. Their improvement was five times greater than the improvement for other people.”
(Hari, 2018, p 127)
The lost connection of nature can make us feel trapped. If you are feeling like you need a break this is the perfect time to do it. Sometimes just looking at pictures of nature can make you feel better, so here are some to take with you as we finish our last blog of this week.
