Are you struggling with UVM’s return to “business as usual”? Yeah, so are we.
Life has been stressful in so many ways. Between COVID, environmental stress, so many social justice needs going unmet, the Russian attacks on Ukraine, and the push for a “return to normal”, we’ve had a lot to handle. Jumping back into a workplace where our bosses and professors tell us to work more, work more, work more, and a culture that tells us we need more, more, more, is overwhelming and draining (Hari, 2018). When everything was shut down in 2020 and many of us had a lot of time to reflect on life, we realized that our “business as usual” lives were really draining.
But now we’re left with a question: if we don’t like this “business as usual”, what can we do? In short, reconnect with ourselves. Taking a little time to reflect on our values and how to incorporate them into our day-to-day lives goes a long way – not just in changing what we do, but in making us happier (Hari, 2018). While walking around campus, eating lunch, or taking a homework break, try taking 2 minutes for self-reflection. Want some ideas? Janine DeFontaine’s blog “105 Writing Prompts for Self-Reflection and Self-Discovery” offers
a lot of fun prompts to think about. Some of our favorites are…
In what ways have you grown as a person this year? What has influenced you? What have you learned?
If you could relive any experience in your life, what would it be? Why?
Who inspires you?
How do you maintain balance in your life? Are there any changes you need to make?
What would you do if you knew you could not fail? Why?
Write about a cause close to your heart, and why it is so important to you
What is a habit you would like to change?
Does this feel daunting? Need some inspiration? We’ve got you. We’re UVM Thrive Guide, a student group dedicated to helping UVM students, well, thrive. Need a mental reset between classes? Check out our Instagram. Want to listen to a meditation while you walk around campus? Take a listen to our podcast. Needing validation or inspiration for life at UVM? Our short blogs can help. Want to see something we don’t have? Let us know.
We are here to help you reconnect with yourself and what supports your happiness.
We are you, we feel you, and we’re here for you.
~UVM Thrive Guide
Hari, J. (2018). Lost connections: Uncovering the real causes of depression—And the
unexpected solutions. Bloomsbury Publishing.