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How to Get Along With Your Quarantine Partners

Having to stay at home with the same people to keep you company can become a challenge, especially with the heightened stress and anxiety levels many of us are experiencing during this pandemic. When coexisting with family members, roommates, or partners becomes difficult (trust me, it will), give these three tips a try.

  1. Turn inward

  • Conflict resolution consultant Elaine Yarbough suggests carefully thinking about what you actually want and feel. This tactic will help to prevent minor problems from turning into major fights.

  1. Create a structure

  • Ask for space when you need it and structure your time wisely. Peter Coleman, a social psychologist and conflict-resolution researcher at Columbia University states this structured time will prevent you from feeling constantly observed by your quarantine partners, which can create tension.

  1. Find a fun distraction

  • Switch things up! Find new, fun activities to distract yourself such as reading, painting or starting a new fitness routine. Yarbough believes that sometimes a good distraction is all you need to keep the peace between partners.


Ellis, E. G. (2020, March 17). How to Not Completely Hate the People You're Quarantined With.

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