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Getting Creative During Quarantine

As quarantine continues, some people may be starting to feel more and more anxious and antsy about having to spend so much time indoors. At the very least, people are becoming bored with the things they typically do at home. There's only so much Netflix a person can watch! Because of this, it is important to find ways to keep yourself entertained and your mind stimulated. One of the best ways to do this while still under quarantine is by finding a creative outlet.

A creative outlet can be anything which expresses your creativity. It can be as simple as a quick doodle in a notebook, or as complex as a classical music composition. There are many researched mental health and wellbeing benefits to expressing creativity. For example, a 2010 study examined the relationship between art and individual well being found that those who regularly created art had lower levels of stress, anxiety, and depression (Stuckey and Nobel, 2010). Similarly, Cathy Malchiodi, a psychologist who specializes in art therapy, wrote an entire book about the potential benefits of art therapy. In her book, she explains how making art can be used to heal past traumas, and can cause positive emotional experiences for those who frequently express their creativity through art (Malchiodi, 2013).

Based on these sources, it is clear that creativity can have positive effects on a person's mental state. At worst, utilizing a creative outlet is a constructive way to utilize free time, which, due to quarantine, many people currently have an abundance of. Next, I’ll list some good ways to express your creativity if you’re feeling stuck at home.


Creative expression through art is probably the most straightforward and easily accessible creative outlet. Art can be made with very little resources. For example, simply sketching in a notebook can be a good way to get out some creative ideas. Another low resource option is a collage made from newspapers or magazines. If you have access to more materials, painting, sculpture, and digital artwork can all be options. Keep in mind that online retailers such as Amazon and eBay are still operating, so you can search around for some additional artistic materials to create with. Though keep in mind that Amazon and other retailers are currently experiencing shipping delays, as reported by publications such as the New York Times (Ovide, 2020), so you may have to wait longer for your items to arrive.


Another highly accessible creative outlet, writing can be done on paper or on a computer, or even in the notes app on your phone. There are many different types of writing which you can try, including journaling, poetry, and narrative writing. Keeping a journal can be very easy to do, and it is a great way to collect your thoughts and help clear your head. It also gives you something tangible to look back on at a later date. You can also use the internet to find writing prompts to help you get inspired if you want to do a more traditional narrative form of writing. Sharpening your writing skills can also help you to become a more effective communicator in a professional work environment. Finally, you could start a blog, which gives you a good way to write about and self publish around a topic you are genuinely interested in.


Finally, music can be a great creative and constructive use of your time. Have a guitar that's been collecting dust in your house? Now is a great time to learn to play it! Again, the internet can be a great resource for learning the basics of your instrument, as well as more complex musical concepts such as music theory. YouTube has an abundance of videos on how to get started with almost any instrument. Or, if you don’t currently have an instrument on hand, you could look into using a digital audio workspace (aka a DAW). DAWs are computer software which are designed to facilitate in the music making progress, or create music from scratch. Many of the higher quality DAWs can be expensive, but there are a few lower quality free options, like GarageBand (if you have an Apple computer) or Ableton Lite can give you some experience and an introduction to the concept.

There are certainly other options out there, so, at the risk of sounding cliche, get creative! As previously mentioned, a creative outlet can be anything which utilizes your creativity. Quarantine is a great time to utilize your spare time to practice something creative, which in turn can positively affect your mental health.


Malchiodi, Cathy A. Art Therapy and Health Care. Guilford Press, 2013.

Ovide, Shira. “Reliable Amazon Isn't Anymore.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 22 Apr. 2020,

Stuckey, Heather L, and Jeremy Nobel. “The connection between art, healing, and public health: a review of current literature.” American journal of public health vol. 100,2 (2010): 254-63. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2008.156497

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