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Four Reasons to Get Outside

Evidence has shown us that connecting with nature can help you in a plethora of ways. Here are four reasons showing just that:

Reason 1: Connecting To Nature Can Cause A Reduction In Stress Levels

Several studies have shown that individuals who live or primarily operate in urban environments have increased depression levels. On the other end of the spectrum, there have been plenty of studies showing that individuals who live in a natural environment have increased levels of happiness and decreased stress levels. One study from The Nature Conservancy showed that 90% of young adults who connect with nature had reduced stress levels; this connection with nature does not have to be anything profound. It can be as simple as staring through a window that faces nature.

Reason 2: Connecting To Nature Can Cause A Increase In Your Immune System

Turns out that connecting with nature can positively affect your physiology. One study referenced in this article indicated that “there are over 20 established pathways between exposure to nature and the enjoyment of good health”. Now I don't want anyone reading this that if they connect with nature, they are immune to things like cancer, heart disease or liver disease. There is currently no real data showing that if individuals connect with nature that they can fight off specific illness more effectively than if they seek proper medical attention.

Reason 3: Connecting To Nature Can Assist In The Recovered From Illness

In addition to boosting your immune system overall, some studies have shown that if you do fall ill connecting with nature can reduce overall recovery times. The primary reason why is connecting to nature helps is that it has been shown to decrease cortisol levels and systolic blood levels. This is why in recent years hospitals have started to open outdoor garden spaces for their patients.

Reason 4: Connecting To Nature Can Increase An Individual's Energy Levels

In conclusion, the final positive effect that can come from connecting with nature is an increase in overall energy levels. One meta-analysis from the University of Rochester showed that people who connect with nature have an increased life satisfaction and feeling more alive which intern naturally increases energy levels.

This information is from the article 4 Reasons Connecting With Nature Can Be Great for Your Health. Click here to see the full article.

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